Project Division Incubator
The program outline
Focused-on Incubator is a natural sequel of the projects division at Holon Institute of Technology
Projects and Cooperation with Industry Center - (PCIC), has been operating in collaboration with industry, medicine and government bodies since 2015.
As a result of exposing the students to development processes using the PBL method, innovative and original ideas are formed in the various fields of technology.
Focused-on Incubator identifies entrepreneurial students who have an innovative technological idea, providing assistance and support system, which includes, among others, physical workplace and laboratory infrastructure, administrative services, scientific/technological guidance, legal and marketing assistance as well as adjustment business to the world of the project content.

Focused-on Incubator makes massive use of technological infrastructures and applied research for the benefit of groundbreaking technological developments
In cooperative agreements with over 25 leading hi-tech companies in Israel and abroad, in the construction of training courses in a wide spectrum of innovative technologies, in the construction of physical and virtual laboratories and in the development of dozens of projects. All this, with the aim of speeding up the transformation of innovative technological ideas, which are currently in the initial development stage into mature start-up companies, creating business and strategic relationships, raising capital investments and preparing for product marketing.
Leadership and leading
Focused-on Incubator operates under effective leadership of a professional team with proven knowledge and experience in leading processes of change and growth, with the aim of assisting the organization in determining its goals, in choosing courses of action and in their implementation, which include, among others, strategic planning, vision, goals and objectives, and on this basis offers the business strategy and methods of execution planned to achieve them. The strategy of the technological incubator activity is planned for the long term (2-5 years) with the aim of accelerating the maturity of the projects, expansion of collaborations, business relationships, fundraising and preparation for product marketing.

Critical success factors
Focused-on Incubator has added value in dealing with the execution of multi-disciplinary projects carried out by scientists, electrical engineering, technology management, industrial
design and learning technologies
The development of the systems is done using the Developer Full Stack method, which gives the project team the ability to deal successfullywith frequent changes that characterize projects in the high-tech field and to control the entire process of initiating and developing the product, starting from the concept phase, characterization, examining the algorithms, through writing the code, to the completion and submission of the finished product - master system Computer type works.

Areas of specialization
Robotics & Intelligent Systems, Cyber ​​Security, Data Science & Deep learning, Digital Medicine technologies, Finance technologies (Fin-tech), Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle, GIS technologies & 3D modeling technologies, IoT technologies in Smart City environment. Autonomous flying platforms, Augmented reality.